
What to do when your Botox® doesn’t work?

Posted on: January 18th, 2021 by Our Team

On occasion, I will hear someone complain that their recent Botox® did not provide the degree of results they hoped for. While rare, others may not see any benefits from a treatment at all. This is a concerning situation. Before scheduling another Botox® appointment, it is a good idea to determine what the problem could be.

Common Reasons Why Your Botox® Results Will Vary:

  • Not Enough Time: If you are not seeing results from your Botox® injections, make sure you are giving yourself enough time. The results from Botox® are not immediate, make sure you have given it three weeks for the full affect to become apparent.
  • Inexperienced Provider: Question your provider. Did you get your Botox® from a board-certified surgeon? Or, was it from a pop-up shop that offered great prices in a questionable location? It takes a skilled hand to provide the desired results.
  • The Wrong Amount: Too little Botox® may have been injected. This is where a well-trained provider is important. The provider must know the right amount of Botox® and place it in the ‘just right’ location.
  • Maybe It’s You: If you are putting your trust in an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon, the problem may lie with your body. How long has it been since your last appointment? Your body may have actually had time to build up antibodies that are not working against the neurotoxin proteins, keeping your body ‘safe’ but also keeping the results from showing.

Find an provider that you trust and candidly discuss the results you are looking for. If you are not happy with the results from your Botox® session after a few weeks, reach out to your provider. An additional injection or two may be all that is needed to get your desired look. Although a rare situation, if you are no longer responding to the Botox®, a different neurotoxin may be needed for dynamic wrinkle reduction. Your provider may recommend switching to Dysport®, made with a slightly different formulation, which can get the results you are hoping for.

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